Parking in Ybor City is available in the Centro Ybor and Palm Avenue Parking Garage, various surface lots, and on-street sites. Two Hour Free Parking is available throughout Ybor City.
Refer to our Ybor City Map to find convenient parking on your visit. Three categories of parking are identified on the map that are accessible to the public:
The Centro Ybor and Palm Avenue Garages are open 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Rates are $1/hour, $9 over 8 hours until 6a. Thurs, Fri and Sat nights, 10p-5a, rates are a flat fee of $6-$10.
City Parking Lots are north and south of 7th Ave on 19th St. Rate is $1.00/hour M-F. Parking is free on Saturdays until 10p and all day Sunday.
Parking Lots & Garages - Evenings, Weekends & Events
Private Parking Lots vary in pricing and can be paid at the paybox or to an attendant when present.
Valet Parking is available on the 9th Ave side of Centro Ybor.
Need directions in Ybor?
Ybor City Ambassadors are friendly guides that offer directions, tours, and parking choices to the Ybor community. To contact Ybor City's Ambassadors, call them at
813-274-7936. |